Sean Palladino

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Chapter Two

“What did you think of the story?” asked Michelle. She was Caucasian and American, as you would probably have guessed.

“Why did the Native Americans have to kill him?” asked Jennifer. She was, well, young and energetic and, for the most part, can become annoying at times, “And what is the pirate’s name?”

“The Native Americans did not have much to eat, so they decided to eat him instead of the plants, and the pirate’s name was never discovered. People just call him Jack. Did you like the story anyway?” answered Michelle.

“Yeah, I would like to become a pirate just like Jack! That would be fun and -- and exciting!” replied Jennifer, as she jumped in delight.

Michelle and Jennifer were inside their clubhouse, and, even though they did not know it, someone was watching them.

“Michelle and Jennifer, you need to come inside and get ready for bed!” yelled Lisa. She was their mother, of course, and always seemed to be cleaning redundant places.

“One more minute, mom!” said Jennifer.

“No, you both need to get ready for bed! Besides, it’s a school night,” replied Lisa.

“But mom, I never get to stay up late! Even on weekends!” said Michelle.

“I don’t care! You should have thought of that when you took Advil© last night,” yelled Lisa.

“Please can we stay up fifteen more minutes?” replied Jennifer.

“No! I do not want to deal with cranky children tomorrow morning!” said Lisa.

The battle ended by being grounded for a day, which was not a bad punishment at all. Inside the house, Michelle was lying on her bed when she suddenly thought of an idea. She got up off her bed and proceeded to walk towards Jennifer’s room.

“Jennifer, can I come in?” asked Michelle.

Jennifer opened her door. Michelle, then, told Jennifer the plan to sneak out of the house.

“What if we get caught?” asked Jennifer.

“We won’t,” answered Michelle.

When they knew their mother was in bed, they crept down the staircase and out into their backyard. They felt a chill go down their spines as they walked towards the clubhouse. Suddenly, a cry was heard, but it sounded a little eerie.

“What was that?” asked Jennifer.

“I don’t know. It might be a victim of a terrible killer! You better stay close to me,” answered Michelle.

When they started to climb up the ladder, they thought they saw ghostly figures that resembled Native Americans. When they saw this, they quickly climbed the ladder as fast as they could. When Michelle and Jennifer got to the top, they heard a voice

It said, “Oh Lord, why did this have to happen to me? I know that I have stolen items in the past, but can you forgive me even after death?”

“Who’s in there?” whispered Jennifer.

Unexpectedly, a ghost appeared behind them. Michelle and Jennifer screamed and climbed down the ladder as fast as they could. Then they ran back to their own rooms and locked their doors. They trembled the entire night of the ghostly figure that they saw. Nothing could have been scarier than seeing a ghost in your own backyard.