Sean Palladino

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The Mystery of Jack

Jack Mormon is the main character in the Ghosts of the Clubhouse series, described as a ghost. In 2010, I attempted to write a backstory of his life before the first story.

Jack Mormon.  One of the most respected pirates of all time.  Well, maybe not. Thanks to recent discoveries along the coast, we have compiled a storyline about the life and death of the infamous Jack Mormon for your reading pleasure.

Jack was born in a little town of Hanoi, Germany. As a young six years old, he found out that his parents were dead.  His only other family member lived in Dublin, Ireland. The only memory of his parents was a key, though the use for it was lost in time.

Desperate to find a use for the key, he tried to unlock all the doors he could reach. Nothing worked. As he grew older, he became very depressed about the loss of his parents. Everyday, he asked his uncle to tell him stories about his parents, just to satisfy his need to remember them. 

“Why Lord,” cried Jack, as he said his daily prayer one night, “Why did this have to happen to me? Why did you take away my parents?”

His life had not improved after this tragedy. His uncle sent him to a school that uses corporal punishment. As a mischievous student, the teachers hit him numerous times. Scars had grown on his face. Sadly, his uncle did not seem to care at all. During these harsh years, he always dreamed about the ocean. About how he could sail through the oceans on a big ship. He had never told anybody his dream because he was afraid of ridicule for having such a frivolous dream.

In 1656, Jack graduated from his school. With a degree in accounting, he decided to work as a banker. He earned £600 each week, or about £800 today with inflation. He was awaiting a chance to buy a well-constructed ship to sail across the world.  During summer days, he usually walked along the coast, admiring all the docked ships. Within a few short years, he was able to purchase a ship.

And what a beautiful ship it was! Massive masts, perfect wooden outer surface, and humongous room within. It was more than he could have asked for. The past owner was Sir Michael Hampton, acclaimed for declaring peace between the Caribbean islands. The exchange was made, and Jack Mormon officially owned his own ship.

All he had to do was gather a crew. He searched the town for worthy citizens to be his crew on his voyage. The only citizens he could find were either burglars or underprivileged folks. Therefore, under the circumstances, he gathered the burglars and underprivileged folks, of whom had little knowledge about ships.

“Okay, crew,” said Jack, on his ship, “You are about to embark on a journey around the world! Most of you will die, but it is a hazard we are prepared to face. Therefore, on that note, everyone shall be offered a job on this voyage. Mark Yukon, you shall operate the upper deck. Kevin Prague, you shall operate the stern. Louis Fragile, you shall operate the bow. And Jerry Witherspoon, you shall operate below deck. Are we clear of the assigned jobs?”

The entire crew gave a loud and clear, “Yes, sir!”

All of them went to their assigned posts on the ship quickly. Jack seemed as though this trip was going to be a smooth journey. The ship contained 40 packages of dried bread and roasted turkey, 5 pairs of clothes, 15 different kinds of swords, and 4 humongous cannons. Of course, Jack still possessed his key from his childhood. It was his only memory of his parents. Or so he thought.

As they began their journey, everything seemed to be running smoothly. However, on September 3, 1660, a terrible storm began to form. The waves began to gain height. The sea creatures began to swim to the surface. The crew began to get restless. Only the captain, Jack Mormon, was calm.

“Everyone, stop screaming! You all must stay calm. Now, everyone must go into the bottom deck immediately because we are going to…”

As Jack was speaking, a tentacle flung onto the side of the ship. It began to pull the ship underwater. Jack immediately ran onto the bottom deck to fetch his sword. As he arrived back onto the upper deck, the ship was halfway in water. Jack sliced the tentacle in half. The giant squid that had been attached to the tentacle sank to the bottom of the sea. The entire crew began to scoop most of water out of the ship.

“Okay, crew! That was an emergency, and I am not proud that you handled it well. However, we must all go to sleep after such an exciting scene,” Jack said, as the crew went below deck.

The sun was quite bright the next morning. All of them had a slice of bread and pieces of turkey for breakfast. Once the crew finished their meal, they departed to their assigned jobs on the ship. Nothing much exciting happened on this day. The plain, boring days lasted for a few weeks. Then a few months.

The food supply was dangerously low. Only 6 packages of dried bread and cold turkey remained. Along with pairs of clothes, the cannons, and the swords. Everyday, the entire crew practiced with their swords, trying to improve their moves.

“Crew, come to me!” yelled Captain Jack Mormon, “I know we have tried to survive these harsh conditions, but I have a feeling we will reach land in a couple of hours! For I see a bit of green out at sea.”

The crew gave a loud, “Huzzah!” The crew also began to sing a joyous song of praise, for they would be getting food very soon. They sang a song that all Irish folk today should know:

“Sing a song,

Praise to the Lord,


Praise to the Lord!

As they got closer to the land, they saw a ship coming right towards them. It had a pirate symbol on its flag, full of angry pirates all over the upper deck.

“Man your cannons, men! We’re going into war!” shouted Jack, as he looked through his scope.

All of them went down into the bottom deck of the ship. As the other ship closed in on them, they loaded their cannons.

“Fire!” Captain Jack Mormon said, as the other ship came within range.

Two cannons shot from his ship. Bang! A direct hit shattered the enemy’s ship. Both ships began to become closer every second.

“Up! Up! Come onto the deck! Prepare to battle!” shouted Jack.

The enemy ship locked onto Jack’s ship. There was no escaping the battle. Both crews held swords. Very quickly into the fight, blood was spilt and bodies were found lifeless on the deck.

With Jack’s fierce sword movements, he was able to withstand any opponent he faced within the battle. Most of this action lasted for an hour or so. And what a battle it was! Many bodies lay on the deck or on the surface of the water. Blood was everywhere you could imagine!

30 men from the enemy ship came onto Jack’s ship. None prevailed from the battle. All of Jack’s crew was dead as well. On November 4, 1660, he had survived the battle. He swung over to the enemy’s ship and began to sail toward land. This took about an hour or so. As he was sailing, he decided to explore the enemy ship. 

“Why not?” he thought, “It’s mine now!”

He stepped into the bottom deck. He felt like he saw this place before. He pasted several doors along his path through the corridor. One door stood out though. It had a lock on it. Since he had his key with him, he decided to try to open it. It worked!

Jack Mormon slowly opened the door. It was a library with a desk in the middle of the room. The desk had a map on it. The map showed the entire western hemisphere.

“Oh my! So there is land beyond Europe! So, what is the land I am about to enter? It cannot be Japan, then,” muttered Jack.

As he looked at the map, he figured out that he would land near the top of this unknown gigantic piece of land. He also found a book on a chair. It was entitled, “Under the Archway”. The bookmark was on page 287. Jack began to read it:

Upon opening the box that Karla had given him, he was shocked to find out that she had given him a key. A key that opened to a room of memories and woe. Underneath the table in which he had opened the box lay a letter of request to arrive at the town hall this Saturday.

He stood there, perplexed at the key, wondering what the key opened. No matter the cost, he began to try to open every lock in the room. Closets, doors, jewelry cases, anything that had a lock on it. Unfortunately, nothing opened. All of a sudden, a shot of a bullet was heard.

Jack was persistent to know the following part of the story, but was unable to find the next page. For the page had been ripped out.

“Who would rip a page out of a book?” questioned Jack, pondering over this occurrence.

Suddenly, he felt a thud. The ship must have landed!

Jack Mormon rushed onto the deck to find the ship on the beach of the land he saw before. He leaped off the ship, onto the cold, sandy beach. He was all ragged and clumsy, for he had just spent months on a ship at sea. He laid on the beach for a while.

While he was lying there, he fell asleep. It seemed to be a couple of hours before he woke up. As he woke up, he decided to explore the land.

Where he was standing, he could see the forest, a gigantic mountain, and a group of native people.

“Who are those people? They look like savages,” thought Jack.

He decided not to befriend them, for he had heard rumors back in Ireland of the horrors they could do. He hid in the ship, but it was not long before the native people came over to his ship. They gazed at its beauty with stunned eyes. Stunned at this, Jack decided to befriend them. No matter the rumors.

“Hello,” said Jack, as he came out of the ship, “My name is Jack. Jack Mormon. Would you like to befriend the greatest captain in history?”

Silence swept over the area. Then, one of the native persons began to talk. Jack did not understand it. He stood there, very perplexed.

“Sorry, but I do not understand your native lingo,” said Jack, knowing that they did not understand his language either.

Feeling perplexed as well, the native people took Jack Mormon into the forest. Jack had no idea of their plans. As they reached a clearing in the forest, Jack could see their homes that they build themselves. 

“Amazing! Never have I seen such beautiful scenery in my life,” said Jack, amazed at the structure of the huts.

As he gazed at the huts, the native people gazed at him. For they were known as cannibals of the modern world. As he was looking at the scenery, the native people gave him their finest provisions. Lamb, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, and other foods.

“Boy that was delicious. Would you mind becoming a chef on my voyage?” asked Jack Mormon.

The native people did not really seem too flattered by this question. On the contrary, they began to riot. Sticks. Rocks. Almost anything they could find was thrown at Jack.

Jack was concerned about this. Thinking he could be killed, Jack ran deeper into the forests. Faster, faster, faster was all he could think at the moment

Crash! Jack fell down a hole. Coincidently, it was a gigantic tunnel. He looked either way to figure out which direction to run. Forward or backward? Forward. Jack ran faster and faster, keeping a lookout for any creatures he may find.

He ran approximately two miles before he felt tired. He looked behind and around him to see if any of the native people caught up to him. Jack was standing near a clearing in the forest. One object caught his eye almost immediately.

A tree. Not just any tree, but a gigantic tree. It was about one thousand feet in the air. As Jack looked up, someone was stalking him. And not the native people he saw before.

Jack took note of this, for he had seen these people watching him before. The native people attacked. Luckily, Jack Mormon had brought his sword. What a battle!

Jack was quick and fast-paced, which seemed to dominate the native people. Within minutes into the battle, more than half of the tribe was deceased. Only seven natives remain. The tension mounds.

He swung his sword right, he swung his sword left, and he swung his sword all around him in order to defeat the remaining men. Bang!

Jack Mormon was instantly killed when a bullet was shot in his back. A native person stole his gun from his ship. And his passing has many theories. Many believe that he went to hell, for he was a rotten pirate of the sea. Some believe that he went to heaven, for he tried to survive with these villainous natives. However, others still believe that his sole lives on to this day.