Merry Christmas, Michael!

Merry Christmas, Michael!

Headspace gave me a writing prompt to list the five qualities about the person I love. I spent some time thinking about it and came up with some endearing qualities that make you perfect in my eyes.

First, your intelligence is quite amazing and leads to many surprising discussions or friendly arguments. The knowledge and aptitude stored in your brain is unparalleled. From Jeopardy to anecdotes about history with August, you delight and inspire me to learn about the world from every perspective.

Second, your focus and attention to detail illuminates areas in our home or lives that go unnoticed by me. I would not the person I am today without your ability to notice details that I overlook, whether on myself or around the physical world. And your ability to focus hours on your seemingly monotonous videogames leads me to a third quality; patience.

Your patience is almost limitless! The ability to hold onto discomfort for longer is wild, which sometimes leads to exasperated revelations about things you would like changed. Patience also leads into your incredible skill at reading and comprehending the mountain of books and stories. Though I am sure that retrieval of some book knowledge might require additional help, as indicated from my questions regarding the early stages of Mistborn.

Fourth is your courage, especially in the face of extroverted situations. You have persevered beyond what I thought you were capable of over the years. Your focus and notice of small details allows you to be hyper aware of flaws, yet you still walk into a room with your head held up high. Something I truly admire and wish to emulate.

Lastly, your kind heart is, for lack of a better word, heartwarming. From the moment I met you, I knew you had an incredibly kind soul. And from the most amazing first date to learning how to be homeowners, I know that we will always be with you forever and ever.

I am thoughtfully working on my wedding vows for February. Super excited for my sister to become Moira Rose, helping to make sure we finally get married in a small town reminiscent of Stars Hollow from her favorite show, Gilmore Girls. You might enjoy it, if you haven’t seen it. It’s a mix of the fast-talking style and comedic timing of Aaron Sorkin.

Regardless, it will be a fantastic start to 2025 after 10 years of being together. I love you, Michael, and I will continue to love you for as long as we live.

Love, Sean 💕